Is Your Performance Management Driven By Strategy?

As more and more companies focus to increase their productivity and the overall performance of their organization, it is important for them to realize that performance management is at the heart of their success. This means ensuring alignment of the entire organization with the strategic objectives of the organization and implementing a strategic performance management system fully…

Increasing Company Value with Integrated Reporting

Can we evolve the Finance job into an innovative activity? Yes we can.

Can we increase the number of corporate reporting users from just a few specialists to potentially everybody who is interested in our company? Yes we can.

Can we transform our financial statement from a boring encyclopedia into a business tool able to increase the value of our capitals? Yes we can.

Product Tips: Tracking the Evolution of a Budget from Start to Finish

The budget cycle is often like the old game ‘telephone’ - you start at one point, but what comes out the other end is completely different. In the budgeting version of this you are asked at the beginning of the budget process to submit the budget for your center or department, only to see a completely different number at the end of the cycle.

Fixing Finance with CPM

A recent article in CFO magazine (Fixing Finance: Work in Progress, March 27, 2014) discusses the great improvement in productivity and cost savings that finance departments have made over the past 15 years. Despite this great improvement 81% of the finance executives surveyed said they were “seriously committed” to more efficiency and effectiveness.

Completing the Picture - The CFO’s Ever-Changing, and Increasing, Reporting Responsibility

Best practice dictates that changes in technology should be aligned with, or at least accompany, changes in organisation. However, by being stated as best practice in itself, this may suggest that this is not always the case. Creating the capability to deliver the necessary reports and documents is posing more questions than answers in organisations…

Mobile BI Design Framework: Consistency Principle

In mobile business intelligence (BI) design, the “consistency principle” is the most powerful tool to effectively deliver a mobile user experience. Developing components that are both consistent and repeatable greatly accelerates the “mobile learning curve,” leading to higher user adoption.

We apply the consistency principle at two levels:

The macro level occurs at-the-project or engagement level and covers all resources or artifacts that are used to deliver and support implementation of mobile assets (like user guides, communication, online stores, and support).
The micro level deals with the design of each individual mobile BI asset (like a report or dashboard).
Here are three key design fundamentals of the consistency principle.

Budgeting for Success

Moving away from the annual budget process and into one that is more frequent is a core topic in the recent eBook from The rationale behind it - business changes so frequently that the annualized budget gets out of date pretty quickly. The fact that employees’ performance, and often compensation, is based on this annual plan makes things worse as the battle for the budget usually ends up with a much more conservative, thus achievable, plan. This pretty much makes it out of date out of the gate.

What to do?

The Fan Experience Matters: Analyzing the Formula

Winning is the only measurement that counts most in sports, but what if your team does not win the championship? That is a guaranteed outcome for all but one team in each league every season.

Some teams suffer from decade-long droughts. In the absence of a championship, fan experience is the ultimate measure of success.

No magic prescription can prevent all losses or disappointments, but the basic formula to deliver a world-class fan experience almost always starts with decisions born out of data.

The Fan Experience Matters: Overview

The desire to deliver a world-class fan experience may not be found in data, but a world-class fan experience almost always starts with decisions born out of data.

There are two schools of thought in sports and entertainment. One holds that winning rids all sins. This may be true to a degree. Winning is one measurement that counts most insports. The other says that fan experience is the ultimate measure of success, especially in the absence of a championship.

Fan experience matters because it is the fire that ignites fan engagement!

But what does “fan experience” really mean?