On-premise or Onto the Cloud?

Do you have to move your processes to the cloud today? The answer is you don’t. Do it when you are ready and when you see value for your organization. If, and when you’re ready to start your journey into the cloud, you can go about it piece by piece, and as a hybrid, to minimize risk to your core operations and to get buy-in internally.

Perhaps you could begin with applications that bring tremendous value, yet are non-disruptive such as workforce planning and analytics? Your newspaper, music, pictures and videos are moving into the cloud, your bills and banking are moving to the cloud, you telecommute, and your social is moving into the cloud - it’s inevitable that your business applications, including HR will follow.

Why CFOs Should Care About Big Data

The topic of “big data” clearly has reached a tipping point in 2012. With plenty of coverage over the past few years in the IT press, we are now starting to see the topic of “big data” covered in mainstream business press, including a cover story in the October 2012 issue of the Harvard Business Review.

To help customers understand the challenges of managing “big data” as well as the opportunities that can be created by leveraging “big data”, Oracle has recently run and published the results of a customer survey, as well as white papers and articles on this topic.

Americans Think Cloud Computing Comes From Actual Clouds

Cloud computing has been on the minds of everybody in the tech industry for the past few years. The infrastructure has been slowly growing, but 2012 has seen tremendous growth in the sector. All the major tech companies now offer some form of cloud storage and computing for consumers and businesses. Even though it’s everywhere, Americans still don’t really grasp it.

A recent survey of 1,000 Americans was conducted by Wakefield Research for Citrix. The results suggest that Americans like to think they’re on top of the latest innovations in cloud computing, but in reality know little about it. Unfortunately, even more people think that the cloud is tied to the weather in some way.

Read some of the [highly embarrassing] statistics here.

What CFOs Need to Know About the Cloud

“The Cloud” has become one of the hottest buzz topics in the industry this year, and what started out as a topic mostly of interest to IT executives is quickly moving to the radar screen of CFOs and Finance Executives.

Some of the advantages of cloud-based applications include improved time to value, reduced up-front costs, leveraging 3rd party skill sets and having a scalable environment to support future growth. Some of the considerations and risks include security, performance, integration of cloud-based applications with on-premise systems and long-term costs of ownership.

Find out more here.

The Cloud Is Changing Your Life: Here’s What You Need To Know

Thanks to Microsoft’s Windows 7 commercials, the term “cloud” has moved into the mainstream. Most people understand that “cloud” refers to applications that stream from the Internet. But there’s a lot more to it than that.

The Least Stealthy Startup In The Valley Has Officially Launched

One of the most talked about startups in Silicon Valley has opened for business today: Nicira.

Backup and Recovery in the Cloud—How Safe, Difficult, Expensive?

After decades of badgering companies to backup their data, many organizations are still only just joining the backup bandwagon. They do it mainly because the auditors or regulators put a gun to their heads.

Over the years, backup and recovery has gotten much simpler and faster due to disk-to-disk (D2D) backup. And continuously falling disk prices combined with deduplication and compression technology has made D2D backup even cheaper.