College Admissions: Metrics Run Amok

[To EPM Channel readers: I posted this item on my website,, about five years ago. My, but time does fly by, but I find it just as true now as I found it back then. As you read this, ponder the impact on all the stakeholders involved – students & their parents, the colleges,…

Data Democracy vs. Data Anarchy: Governed Data Discovery

Successful business intelligence has always been about negotiating the right tradeoffs between the needs of individual business people and the needs of the organization as a whole. In 2001, Bernard Liautaud, founder of self-service BI pioneer BusinessObjects  wrote a book called eBusiness Intelligence: Turning Information Into Knowledge Into Profit that discussed these tradeoffs. He drew the analogy with systems…

Cartoon: What Chance Does Data Have?

What chance does data have when faced with strong opinions?!

Why ARE Those College Wait Lists So Long?

In the April 20 Washington Post, Jay Mathews writes about the dramatic increase in the length of college acceptance wait lists. His focus is on the strategies wait-listed high school seniors might pursue, but let’s consider just why those wait lists are so long.

The Fan Experience Matters: Overview

The desire to deliver a world-class fan experience may not be found in data, but a world-class fan experience almost always starts with decisions born out of data.

There are two schools of thought in sports and entertainment. One holds that winning rids all sins. This may be true to a degree. Winning is one measurement that counts most insports. The other says that fan experience is the ultimate measure of success, especially in the absence of a championship.

Fan experience matters because it is the fire that ignites fan engagement!

But what does “fan experience” really mean?

Mobile BI Design Framework: Real Estate

Just as the saying goes “There are three things that matter in property: location, location, location,” the screen on a mobile device is the most valuable design property. The limited amount of space still remains as one of the biggest challenges in designing for mobile devices. Maximizing the user interface for both consumption and interaction is critical to the design of an effective mobile business intelligence (BI) asset.

Here are several pointers that will help you make the best use of this valuable mobile property.

Timeliness is the Most Important Data Quality Dimension

In his book The Most Human Human: What Artificial Intelligence Teaches Us About Being Alive, Brian Christian explained that “the first branch of computer science was what’s come to be known as computability theory, which doesn’t care how long a computation would take, only whether it’s possible or not. Take a millisecond or take a millennium, it’s all the same to computability theory.” However, as Christian also noted, “computer scientists refer to certain problems as intractable – meaning the correct answer can be computed, but not quickly enough to be of use.”

Everyday BI: Introduction

Business intelligence (BI) is everywhere. It’s more accessible. It’s mobile. It’s in the cloud. It runs in real time. It’s part of “Big Data” and small data. Simply put, BI surfaces, in one shape or another, in a tangled, twisted, and integrated way everywhere in our everyday lives. In this new series, I want to take a…

Mobile BI Design Framework: Environment

Anyone who has designed or developed a new product knows that understanding the environment in which the product or solution will be used by its end users is extremely important.

The environment is where we can successfully connect audience and purpose not only to leverage the technology’s strengths but also to minimize its weaknesses within a supported infrastructure.

The “mobile BI design framework” promotes the idea that we need to go beyond just identifying the basic parts of our environment and instead taking a holistic view of the entire system in order to deliver an integrated mobile solution that is consistent and predictable at each layer.

Many of the considerations for the environment may largely be influenced by your organization’s build vs. buy decision on BI or mobile BI solutions. A close review of the key components that make up the mobile BI environment can prove to be beneficial.