Americans Think Cloud Computing Comes From Actual Clouds

Cloud computing has been on the minds of everybody in the tech industry for the past few years. The infrastructure has been slowly growing, but 2012 has seen tremendous growth in the sector. All the major tech companies now offer some form of cloud storage and computing for consumers and businesses. Even though it’s everywhere, Americans still don’t really grasp it.

A recent survey of 1,000 Americans was conducted by Wakefield Research for Citrix. The results suggest that Americans like to think they’re on top of the latest innovations in cloud computing, but in reality know little about it. Unfortunately, even more people think that the cloud is tied to the weather in some way.

Read some of the [highly embarrassing] statistics here.

How Creative Is Your Team?

Are you creative? Try this simple test…

The well-known known illusion above can be seen in two ways: as both a duck and a rabbit. Which do you see first? And if you see one, can you also see the other?

Most people see the duck first and can flip between the two representations, but the question is: how easy is it for you to flip between them? Does it require real mental strain, or can you do it at will?

Wiseman et al. (2011) had a hunch that the ability to flip between representations is related to creativity.

Give It a Break (It’ll Enhance Your Memory)

If you find it difficult to remember what you’ve read, try giving the memory time to consolidate.

I have a great memory for books I’ve read on trains.

I always thought this had something to do with the nature of train travel: the rocking of the carriage, the rhythm of the stops, the continually changing picture window. Perhaps the combination of all these helps induce a focus which is harder to achieve in familiar circumstances.

Or perhaps the answer is simpler.

6 Ways to Kill Creativity

Want your organisation to perform poorly? Here are six ways to kill creativity in business, or anywhere.

Many organisations claim they want to foster creativity—and so they should—but unintentionally, through their working practices, creativity is killed stone dead.

That’s what Teresa Amabile, now Director of the Harvard Business School, found when looking back over decades of her research in organisations (Amabile, 1998). As part of one research program she examined seven companies in three different industries, having team members report back daily on their work.

After two years she found marked differences in how organisations dealt with creativity.

Analytics Blogger – Journalist or Personal Diary?

There are several bloggers like me who write about the topics of analytics and enterprise risk and performance management (ERM / EPM). What are our writing styles?

Some do a deep dive into the details of equations and algorithms of analytics or of the various methodologies like strategic balanced scorecards and customer profitability analysis. Some write about current news such as happenings with Facebook, Apple, or other companies. Some write help advice articles with tips on how to be more effective and successful applying these techniques.

The Zeigarnik Effect

We’ve all heard the old adage “Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today.”

Many of us put things off indefinitely, especially the most onerous tasks. But often we find that if we just start the task it gets easier to continue and, once we continue, we can finish.

I thought this was just being lazy. But, my 16 year old daughter told me, “No, it’s the Zeigarnik Effect.”