Performance Measurement Vs. Performance Management

It’s the 2012 Olympics. How do you think performance is going to be measured at the games by the teams involved? The number of gold medals? The number of world records?

Now come back a few years to when a team is preparing for the games. How is performance going to be managed? You can be sure it won’t be in terms of the number of medals they hope to win.

Instead the focus will be on the type of training being given, the diets being prepared, the way in which equipment and facilities are being used. To ensure these activities can take place, budgets and other resources are allocated to the appropriate activities. In short, the focus is on the process of preparing the athlete and not on the outcomes they hope to achieve.

Now compare this approach to the way in which organizations typically plan and budget.

Gary Cokins’ Performance Management Mini-Book

There is confusion in the marketplace about the term performance management. Just Google the term and you will see what I mean.

The confusion begins with which phrase we should use to refer to performance management. This confusion in part is due to semantics and language. We often see in the media the acronyms BPM for business performance management, CPM for corporate performance management, and EPM for enterprise performance management. But just as the words merci, gracias, danke scho¨n, and thank you all mean the same thing, so do these acronyms. Fortunately, information technology (IT) research firms like IDC and Gartner are accepting the short version, and simply calling it performance management.

Horse Racing’s Triple Crown - Just Like Business Analysts

The Kentucky Derby and Preakness horseraces, the first and second legs of the USA’s prestigious Triple Crown races, have been run. The winner of both races, I’ll Have Another, will be trying to win horseracing’s famous Triple Crown by winning the Belmont, but he will need to again outrun the final stretch Bodemeister, the favorite of the first two Triple Crown race legs.

It made me think that thoroughbred racehorses and business analytic and performance management project leaders have similarities depending on which type they are. (This metaphor is also applicable to professional careers.) There are three types of racehorses: starters, stalkers and deep closers. How arebusiness analytics and enterprise performance management methodologies project managers similar?

Moving Social Media Analysis from the Platform to the Individual Level

Creating engaging content and encouraging your audience to engage with your brand are important pieces of a successful social media program. This is evident when you speak with many social marketers who tend to focus a great deal of effort on increasing engagement levels and expanding their audience.

Less attention seems to be paid to who is engaging, how often they engage, and what they are saying.

3 Simple Tricks to BPM Project Management

“For the Users, With the Users, By the Users.”

Inspired the legendary Abraham Lincoln’s famous quote, BPM Project Management requires a lavish dollop of democratic practices.

Traditional Project Management practices cover the 3 pillars of any project – Scope, Time and Budget. But, BPM requires more than these and includes a fourth and possibly the most difficult of them all to manage – Effort.

EPM Management Processes

Performance management is all about taking decisions on the operation of both the business model and any associated strategy improvement initiatives. What goals should we go for? What things have to be done to achieve those goals? How much will it cost? How much did it cost? What will it cost in the future? Is the outcome worth it? What changes should we make? And so on.