BI among top IT priorities in 2012

February 9, 2012 3:23 pm 0 comments Views: 37

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BI and analytics have ousted several other much hyped technologies like cloud computing, virtualization, etc. as top enterprise technology priority for the New Year according to a Gartner survey of 2,335 CIOs conducted in the fourth quarter of 2011 and covering 37 industries in 45 countries.

According to the survey result, CIOs have stated that BI will be a top technology priority and play an important role in 2012.

The ability to gain insight and competitive advantage from data is both an opportunity and a competitive threat, and businesses and government agencies alike are adopting advanced analytics technologies to build innovative new services, improve service levels and drive greater efficiency.

CIOs rank increasing enterprise growth as their top priority — despite tough economic conditions and future uncertainties. They are particularly attentive to attracting and retaining customers and to creating products and services.

CIO’s increasingly see BI in combination rather than isolation to address business priorities. Changing the customer experience requires changing the way the company interacts externally rather than operates internally.

BI was the top-ranked technology for 2012 as CIOs are combining analytics with other technologies to create new capabilities. For example, analytics plus supply chain for process management and improvement, analytics plus mobility for field sales and operations, and analytics plus social for customer engagement and acquisition.

BI in 2012 is all about getting things done with a single version of the truth, independent BI tools like 1KEY with the functionality to get things done trumps standards. Enterprises will learn to live with multiple BI tools. 1KEY can coexist with other traditional BI tools. We have proven case studies where 1KEY was implemented beyond the expert analyst user base using traditional BI. Today BI is moving more into the hands of end users.

Once the field of a limited number of expert users, BI has come a long way since. Through the democratization of BI, placing required information in the right hands at the right time for many users has become true. BI now has become part of our daily work. With this comes the increased need to create insight on the fly instead of trough standard IT (governance) processes. More and more BI users are taking over tasks that traditionally were the field of the IT developers.

Leading BI companies having been taken over by bigger software application companies (SAP, IBM and Oracle) are losing their leadership position in BI innovation as most of their BI product development effort is focused inwardly to better integrate with their respective owners applications to take advantage of easier sales within their own customer base. They have almost become “legacy BI” solutions.

As many industry analysts predicted at the time of these acquisitions, this has made room for new startup companies like MAIA Intelligence to fill the void left behind.

BI dashboards will continue to thrive but there will be more trend towards Operational BI rather than Strategic BI in 2012. As the capabilities for alerting, write back, connectivity to all types of applications (cloud, internet, on premise, mobile and machine interface) continue to expand, the possibilities and demand for operational BI with dashboard interfaces will too.

Lastly BI will evolve and really matter for SMBs too along with big enterprises across the industry verticals. BI is playing an increasing role in decision making, enterprise growth, innovation and operational performance.

By Dhiren Gala, from:

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